Airfest celebrates 70th anniversary of BCATP
Airfest celebrates 70th anniversary of BCATP
Jointly hosted by the Alberta Aviation Museum and the Edmonton Aviation Heritage Society, Airfest enters its 11th year. This annual event is a celebration of the past, present and future of aviation in Alberta.
June 22, 2010 By Carey Fredericks
June 22, 2010 – For 2010, Airfest is dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the British Commonwealth Air Training Program, the Canadian Armed Forces training aircraft have been requested to attend and the organizers are seeking guest aircraft from this amazing Second World War Training Program.
As well as military and selected guest aircraft, all aircraft owners are invited to join in on Airfest Sunday to become part of the displays and meet the public to promote
New for 2010 will be a Friday night 40’s themed Swing Dance with live music as well as the traditional family friendly Airfest Sunday.
Admission remains the same for Airfest 2010, $5.00 per person with Children 5 and under free.
For more information on Airfest 2010 visit