Barry Aylward appointed chairman of AEA
April 22, 2009 - Barry Aylward, President of Kitchener Aero and Mid-Canada Mod Center, has just been appointed Chairman to the Board of Directors for the Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA).
April 22, 2009 By Carey Fredericks
April 22, 2009 – Barry Aylward, President of Kitchener Aero and Mid-Canada Mod Center, has just been appointed Chairman to the Board of Directors for the Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA).
Barry previously served as AEA’s Vice Chairman from 2007 to the present and has
been an active participant with the association’s board over the last 20 years. During
that period he dedicated a great deal of AEA focus on regulatory affairs with
Transport Canada Civil Aviation and has helped reposition the association as a
prominent and respected industry trade association in the eyes of the Canadian
authority. Barry has served the AEA through its Strategic Planning Committee and i
a member the association’s Government & Industry Affairs Committee. In 2003 he
was honoured by the AEA as their Member of the Year.
The Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA) is an international organization,
representing more than 1,300 aviation businesses in over 30 countries. Membership
includes repair stations that specialize in maintenance, repair and installation of
avionics and electronic systems, instruments facilities, manufacturers of avionics equipment, instrument manufacturers, airframe manufacturers, test equipment manufacturers, major distributors and educational institutions.
In the 52 year history of the AEA, Barry Aylward is only the second Canadian to hold the role of Chairman.
The first was Jack Grose of what was at the time NavAir.