Business Aviation
Bigger and Better Every Year – Montreal Hosts 41st CBAA Convention
Canadian Business Aviation Association’s annual convention gets a
little bigger every year.
October 3, 2007 By Rob Seaman
The Canadian Business Aviation Association's annual convention gets
a little bigger every year. Rich Gage, CBAA president and CEO, says the
numbers for CBAA 2002 in Montreal were up somewhat. Total number of
attendees was slightly higher than last year and the trade show was
just about the same. The biggest and most notable difference for this
year was the static display – all sizes and types of corporate aircraft
and just about every manufacturer was represented. There were even a
few surprises – like Ken Klein and Mauri Hines from TG Aviation with
one of their much-talked-about Super Cheyenne conversions – an aircraft
they believe will provide solid value in the entry-level biz av market.
Convention chairman for 2002 was Richard Mailhot. Working with a
committee of local industry volunteers, he and his crew put a great
deal of effort and planning into creating a top-notch event –
especially considering that they all have regular day jobs and fit the
CBAA commitment in as time allowed. A welcoming reception kicked things
off and was hosted this year by Innotech- Execaire in one of its
itinerant/tenant hangars. There is always a little subtle competition
between competing firms at events like the CBAA or NBAA, and no one
could miss the fact that Innotech- Execaire is agent for Cessna
corporate aircraft – the Citation X front and centre next to the
entertainment stage for all to see, amply made the point.