Wings Magazine

Features Business Aviation
Business Aviation Gets Mixed Signals

The level of business has picked up noticeably in FBO activity

October 24, 2007  By Brian Dunn

While most aviation sectors in Canada have been severely impacted by
the September 11 events in the US, some charter operators have
experienced an increase in activity. But the picture is mixed.

he wouldn't release figures, the level of business has picked up
noticeably in FBO activity, charters and air ambulance service at
Montreal-based Skyservice Business Aviation Group, said Philippe
Crevier, president. "The travel landscape has changed forever and we
expect business will continue to be strong over the long term," he
added. But that doesn't mean Skyservice is rushing out to buy more
aircraft. "The wise approach would be to ride things out for a while
before making any long-term commitments that involve millions of
dollars," said Crevier, who also has no plans to promote the business
at this time. "It's not the time to leverage a terrible situation, and
people who tend to use business aviation are already aware of its

As ordered by Transport Canada, security has been
increased at Skyservice where access to buildings and ramp areas has
been tightened.



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