Wings Magazine

King Air enthusiasts going social

Oct. 29, 2012, Orlando, Fla. - KingAirNation announces their debut for the NBAA 2012 convention, representing a new social platform designed to connect anyone involved with the King Air aircraft to others alike, as well as provide information and articles related to the aircraft and services.

October 29, 2012  By Carey Fredericks

“Your KingAir Social Marketplace,” continues to make great strides with their online social community in only it’s third month since their launch and is thrilled with the response they have received from businesses and enthusiasts.
On October 30th through November 1st, KingAirNation’s destination is Orlando, FL for the 2012 NBAA Convention.  NBAA 2012 will feature Exhibits at the Orange County Convention Center.  There are over 25,000 business aviation professionals expected to attend.   NBAA provides a setting for these business aviation professionals to learn what’s new in the aviation world today. 


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