Make aviation competitiveness an election issue
Make aviation competitiveness an election issue
The Canadian Airports Council has called on all federal political
parties to make improving aviation competitiveness an important part of
their platforms.
September 25, 2008 By Drew McCarthy
The Canadian Airports Council (CAC) has called on all federal political
parties to make improving aviation competitiveness an important part of
their platforms.
One of the most pressing issues is the elimination of airport rent – a $300 million a year expense that airports have to pass on to air carriers and their passengers. With this millstone wrapped firmly around the neck of our nation's airports, competing with airports from around the world is an unfair battle. The absurdity of it, is that it's self-inflicted!
Ridding ourselves of this "bad idea" is the first step in making our airports and our economy globally competitive.
CAC's aviation competitiveness questionnaire for the federal parties can be downloaded at under HIGHLIGHTS.