Wings Magazine

Canada’s response to EU decision also positive

Nov. 13, 2012, Ottawa - The European Commission announced that it intends to suspend enforcement of its Emission Trading Scheme for destinations outside the European Union countries until after the ICAO Assembly in September 2013.

November 13, 2012  By Carey Fredericks

The National Airlines Council of Canada (NACC) and the Canadian Airports Council (CAC) are very pleased that the European Commission has agreed to give the process at ICAO time to come to a conclusion.

"We believe the European Commission's decision is a step in the right direction and hopefully creates powerful momentum towards an acceptable global solution at ICAO. The NACC will work closely with the Canadian government delegates to ensure Canada plays an instrumental role in this regard", said George Petsikas, president of the NACC. 

"Canada's airports support the contention of our air carrier and international airport colleagues that ICAO is the appropriate international forum for addressing aviation emissions in a global, coordinated manner.  This move by the European Union is a positive development", said Daniel-Robert Gooch, president of the CAC.

The National Airlines Council of Canada is a trade association founded by Air Canada, WestJet, Air Transat and Jazz Aviation LP in order to ensure safe, sustainable and competitive air travel.


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